ENFiD-Austria – European Network of Filipino Diaspora Austria – is looking for talented Filipino singers (or with Filipino heritage), 18 years and above and stage presence/star quality who will represent Austria in the European singing competition – Tala ng Europa – to be held on 31 May 2024.
The competition will be held on 9 February 2024, 17 Hours at the UNO City, Vienna, Austria.
Interested parties may contact the following persons via Facebook: Cecilia Orola Cech Johmarie Somera Ren Mangaban Zandrine Kocjan Minnie Cruz Langer Dorcas Navarrete-Aigner Nilsa Catoto Fischer. Dingdong Dela Cruz Sonia Soosot Nisa Zerrudo ENFID – European Network of Filipino Diaspora ENFID-Austria Christian W Estrada Ronald Sipat Gene Alcantara Annie Estricomen Leon Guerrero Ana Bel Mayo Rosalud de la Rosa Gina Sollano Hardy Marcelina Manalo-Ermert Dorie Reyes Polo Ana Navarro Lindenhann Marison Rodriguez Jeffrey Morales M.A. Gil

ENFiD-Austria is a fast-growing Europe-wide cross-sectoral, all-inclusive overseas-Filipino platform in Europe with genuine developmental ambitions translated into timely and relevant actions for Euro-Filipinos and the Philippines. It was established on October 15 October 2017 in Vienna, Austria. Young and small as it is, with 8 adults and 2 youth members, it has organized various activities in line with its 4E programmes and advocacies: education and learning, embracing the environment, empowering Euro Pinoy youth, elevating arts, culture, and sports.
- hp/picture: Marizel Rojas
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